How does it feel?

How does it feel?

Video Installation, 09:18 min, Deichtorhallen / Sammlung Falckenberg, 2018

How does it feel? is a video installation by the artist and psychologist Kirstin Burckhardt. It introduces the Body Map Institute as an interdisciplinary platform for arts and science.

This video is rooted in a thought experiment: What if an art piece introduced a theory that unifies psychological literature on the body’s disconnection—from bliss to trauma?

What if this theory were presented by a figure of authority—a proposed expert, cis-male, Caucasian, middle-aged—who is then exposed to the skin by the camera’s gaze?

The project as a whole challenges the concept of “Body Ownership” and explores the dynamic relationship between “me” and “mine.” It raises questions about how we identify with the body, from what perspective, and through which lens of power.

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